37 Days

Yeah, the site is sure looking different, right?

I’m so glad you’ve noticed! Kinda couldn’t help it…I mean, it was even gone for a few days. Hell, it’s still gone as I write this!) The mistake was upgrading and changing stuff 40 days before the new book is finally released. The release of the book is set for October 29th 2024.

But it’s not a mistake in general-your best work I believe is done when there is a (insert favorite instrument of agony here) to your head. In my case, this is a fact. (This is the mother of invention…that’s the necessity.)

Finally, the book is coming out and it has been a journey to get there. My dear friend Scarlett (who is also my editor and publisher) and I have had quite a shit year and I won’t go into the details as a lot of them are not mine to tell and vice versa, but I’ll tell you this; we can’t wait until the book is out and in your hands at long last. (I can’t wait until it’s in mine quite frankly.)

And the book will be available everywhere. If your local store doesn’t have it, you can request it and they will actually get it for you.


Cooking up some stuff, but please know I appreciate all of your patience. It’s going to be rewarded!

Do you have a bookstore near you? Hell, do you have a bookstore?!? Would they/you want to host a guy like me for a signing / reading? Please let me know!!

Have a great day!

If this post is up on 9/22/24, it is the first day of Fall.

It is also nearly 90 degrees….




The site is back at last! A few rough bits to iron out, but that’s how we do things here in the indie horror universe (allegedly.)

I’m very happy because now I can take a nap.*

*probably not


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