An Update Delay…San Diego Part 1.2

This is late, but I have a really good reason-

I was enjoying myself.

Something a lot of us don’t really do for ourselves is being in the moment, enjoying the moment and actually living in the moment. So without any further fanfare, I will tell you that I’m not writing it just yet.

I performed a no-no and started writing about an event that was still happening. If anything, I should have written something else-and I did. I wrote a review of the movie “X” for the website What Sleeps Beneath. I’ve been a guest contributor and hopefully, I’ll continue to be-you should check it out at the hyperlink above. There are really good writers on there and I’m very happy to be a small part of the gang.

As for StokerCon24? Well, I finished my StokerCon23 update a couple of months ago…So, I’ll finish the update eventually (this year I promise.) It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of stuff.

Some that I am still processing, but it was good for my writing, my disposition and for my soul.

One thing learned is organization is key to my being able to function. I think I already knew this, but it was driven home in the travel both to and from San Diego. When I got home, I rebuilt my writing area to include my old Kanban board (and by the way I am sill learning how to use the board. Anyone out there with advice, lay it on me.)

The most important thing I learned was something unexpected. And of course, the most unexpected education is the stark reminder of the stuff you already knew.

An awful trait I sometimes have is reacting to the occasional voice in my head that tells me that I have no friends. Everyone sometimes feels this way and that is not anything revolutionary. However, since I’m the only one hearing this shitty voice, it is nothing less than a mental hug to have the outside world inadvertently tell the inner voice to fuck off.

The mental hug came of course from the friends that I very much do have from the HWA and in particular, my Pittsburgh Chapter of the HWA. We’re a pretty stalwart bunch and very protective of each other and for that I am eternally grateful.

But, that’s for another post. There’s stuff in real time happening. A new review for Pearl will be coming up soon on What Sleeps Beneath and I’m in the throes of getting the often delayed collection released – which if all goes well should be soon!

And the revamp and increase of more stuff here on What Nelson Writes. I need, for example a links page. I’ll share your links if you share mine sorta of thing. Dig?


I’ll be back soon with more stuff! Including a proper wrap up of StokerCon 24!



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