What Nelson Writes

Welcome to the revamped website for Nelson W Pyles!

This website is a work in progress, so hopefully it will be updated and improved frequently. (And hopefully, not ruined. Or boring…)

So, who am I?
My name is Nelson W Pyles and I write a lot of things. Short stories, novels, music, scripts, songs…you know, writer stuff. I also created a podcast in 2012. I don’t work there anymore, but I’m awful proud to have created it. If you’re interested, it’s here.
I’ve got music you can download and listen to here and full band stuff here as well.
Plus, I do have a new collection of short stories coming really soon. (A solid October 29th 2024 release date!! For real!!!)

For Social Media, click on the obnoxious big picture of me below!

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